Scanning credentials
Verifiable Credentials
Organizations can provide digitally signed credentials to prove your identity, education, employment, etc. These are known as Verifiable Credentials. You can store them, then later present all, or pieces of these credentials to others, such that they can verify the validity.
You typically login to an organization's website and request a digital credential. The organization then asks for a decentralized identifier (DID) that you wish to use for the credential. If this process is not automated using QR Codes, you can go to Settings: Advanced: Manage Identifiers and either create a new identifier or use an existing one.
If you scan a verifiable credential from someone, and the recipient DID does not exist in your database, you can select an existing or new DID (as above) and ask the issuer to redo the credential. Or, if you have access to the DID that the credential was issued to, including the public/private keys, you can choose to import the DID into the app. For this, go to Settings: Manage identifiers: [import button].
Disclosure Requests
Other people or organizations can request specific identity/credential data from you. These types of requests are known as Selective Disclosure Requests or Presentation Exchange requests. When you scan a QR Code containing such a request, the app looks at the data elements requested and matches these to your Verifiable Credentials. A page then appears listing all the requested data elements and allows you to choose which matching credential you want to use for each item.
When you accept the request, the app packages all the selected Verifiable Credentials into a Verifiable Presentation, then sends this to the requester.